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KSCAN-Magic Series 3D Laser Scanner


Introducing the KSCAN-Magic Upgrade 3D scanner Series: a groundbreaking blend of advanced composite 3D scanning technology, combining both infrared and blue laser capabilities. This exceptional 3D object scanner offers versatility and utility across various industries. Engineered with precision and adaptability in mind, our handheld 3D scanner offers five distinct operation modes – including large-area scanning with parallel infrared lasers, rapid scanning with blue laser crosses, ultra-fine scanning with blue parallel lasers, deep-hole scanning with a single blue laser, and an integrated large-area photogrammetry system.

The KSCAN-Magic 3D object scanner delivers rapid scanning speeds, exceptional precision, and the capability to capture intricate details across expansive areas with a generous field of view. Particularly adept at measuring dark and reflective surfaces, it’s ideally suited for industrial applications such as wind turbines, automotive bodies, and hydro-power equipment.